The Second HR Leader Wellbeing roundtable takes place in London – May 2024

Following on from our well-attended first HR Leader Wellbeing roundtable in London in April 2024, ...

Reflections on HR & Learning Technologies London 2024

The 17th and 18th April 2024 saw the return of the HR and Learning Technologies ...

Chief People Officers come together to discuss the strategic importance of the HR Leader’s own wellbeing – London, April 2024

This week saw our first cross-sector HR Leader roundtable on the topic of “The Strategic ...

Hybrid Workplaces, getting the “right” balance and workforce density for learning: A headache for HR leaders?

Hybrid Working - If you want to start a blog by getting an emotion of ...

A Day at the CIPD Festival of Work

This week I spent a day at the CIPD Festival of Work. It’s fantastic that ...

Two days at the HR and Learning Tech Event in London

The 3rd and 4th May 2023 saw the HR and Learning Tech conference and exhibition ...

Self-Leadership – A needed practice in 2022 that brings together key personal growth skills

For many of us, the way we are working post pandemic has changed dramatically since ...

Covid-19 as a “Career Shock”

Over the last 7 to 8 years there has been a fair amount of research ...

Ten Steps to Successful Organisational Wellbeing

Over the last couple of years employee wellbeing has moved into the limelight and is ...

National Inclusion Week: Reflections and Projections

It's here! National Inclusion Week has arrived, and what better way to mark it, than ...

The 3 questions Senior Leaders need to consider as we start to exit the Covid-19 pandemic

The 3 questions Senior Leaders need to consider as we start to exit the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has subjected our organisations to unprecedented levels of change. No matter what ...

Retention beats recruitment with Dispersed and Hybrid Teams and Leaders as we emerge from Covid-19

The latest report on UK jobs from KPMG and REC[1] using data from June 2021 ...

Inclusive Organisations: Seize the opportunity to act now!

Organisations are microcosms of society. They have a responsibility to create an environment that connects ...

Leading a team in “Lockdown January”

According to many, Blue Monday (the 18th January) is the most depressing day of the ...

Are wellbeing, inclusion and engagement converging in 2020?

As the year draws to a close, it is always good to reflect on emerging ...

Some reflections on a recent academic study on Jacinda Ardern’s leadership through Covid-19

Recently, while researching the effect of the pandemic on productivity, I came across an academic ...

The Effect of Covid-19 on Productivity at Work

Last year, Tap’d produced a report called “The Productivity Challenge” where we researched the people-orientated ...

Identifying the critical behaviours needed by our leaders in the new working environment

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of our new report on leadership behaviours ...

Leading dispersed teams effectively: Is this an organisation’s biggest people challenge?

We are now in the unpredictable part of the global pandemic response. We have had ...

Building Resilience: An organisational or an individual responsibility, or both? Part three – Building resilience through the work itself

Welcome to final part of my three-part blog on building resilience in organisations, teams and ...

Building Resilience: An organisational or an individual responsibility, or both? Part two – The case for the individual

Welcome to part two of my blog on building resilience in organisations. Last time I ...

Building Resilience: An organisational or an individual responsibility, or both? Part one – The case for the organisation

Resilience is a concept that is top of discussion at the moment as populations and ...

How is COVID-19 reshaping our VUCA environment and what is the role of the HR function in empowering organisations to navigate it.

This time last year if you had asked most HR Professionals to list the top ...

Reflections on Tap’d’s 9th HR Forum

The morning of Tuesday 3rd March 2020 saw the return of the Tap’d HR Forum ...

Tap’d Solutions announces its first HR Forum of 2020 in London

The 2020s is already shaping up to become one of the most dynamic decades for ...

HR in 2020 – Blog Revisited

Just over 2 years ago, in September 2017, I wrote a two-part blog on “HR ...

Change the way you look at change: The 3 “lenses” of how to succeed more often with change in organisations

Organisations are in a state of change somewhere within the business at any single point ...

Announcing the launch of our white paper on Productivity

Over the last few months at Tap’d we have been talking to our network and ...

Whales and wellbeing

I’ve been reflecting on something that happened to me last month. It connects the unlikely ...

Reflections on Tap’d’s 8th HR Forum

Tuesday 17th September 2019 saw the Tap’d HR Forum return to London for the 8th ...

Feeling joy at work – why we need to understand positive emotions in the workplace…

It’s funny, I can almost predict the faces I receive when I ask managers if ...

Reflections on Tap’d’s 7th HR Forum

Tuesday 14th May 2019 saw the 7th Tap’d Solutions’ HR Forum being held in London. ...

3 reasons why Action Learning will transform your leadership perspective (and make you feel better at the same time…)

Being an executive or senior leader can be a tough, but exhilarating, gig – I’ve ...

How can we measure workplace inclusion?

This is a subject I am interested in at the moment. It is one of ...

The critical reasons to develop your organisation’s Skills Capital and Career Pathing in 2019

On the 22nd January 2019 the UK released its latest employment figures. Employment is at ...

Everyday Inclusion – How to really invoke positive culture change in organisations

The word “Inclusion” in HR circles often generates a conversation that quickly moves towards ensuring ...

Leadership lessons from puppy school

I’ve been thinking about Trust a lot lately, and in particular the current level of ...

Reflections on the 5th Tap’d HR Forum:  Future Leaders and the case for Diversity

Wednesday 27th June 2018 saw the HR community come together for the 5th Tap’d HR ...

What is the Future of Leadership?

This is an interesting question. The pace of change in our workplaces is accelerating each ...

Does gender pay reporting go far enough?

For many, April 4th 2018 represents a watershed moment in the UK. This marks when ...

HR, the Employee Experience and Technology

Why HR needs to own the technology conversation In my experience, when you talk to ...

Reflections of the 4th Tap’d HR Forum

Wednesday 28th February 2018 saw our first Tap’d Solutions HR Forum of 2018. The theme ...

Tap’d talks to Luke Fisher, CEO of ThanksBox about the Employee Experience

In our recent webinar, I spoke with Luke Fisher, Co-Founder and CEO of ThanksBox, the ...

Unravelling the Employee Experience

In many of my conversations with business leaders, senior HR professionals and people technology companies ...

What should HR be focusing on in 2018?

Recently we were delighted to have Fiona Ryland, Executive Director of UCL, on our “Lunch ...

What I learned at HR Tech World in Amsterdam

Recently I was lucky enough to be invited by IBM to attend the HR Tech ...

Reflections of the 3rd Tap’d HR Forum

Last Wednesday (11th October 2017) saw our third Tap’d Solutions HR Forum. This successful format ...

HR 2020: Key challenges for Human Resources (Part 2)

Welcome back to part 2 of this 2 part series looking at the current and ...

HR 2020: Key challenges for Human Resources (Part 1)

Are HR leaders missing the opportunity to be more impactful? Too many times I see ...

Macro and micro engagement

A common topic of conversations with HR Leaders recently at Tap’d is around employee engagement. ...

Raising Workplace Engagement in the Modern VUCA world

One of the most challenging issues facing the Human Resources function in 2017 is creating ...

What Neuroscience tells us about increasing our team’s engagement

In my current role, I have been reading more and more about Neuroscience and its ...

Positions Vacant, or Engaged?

Today’s HR leaders are increasingly focused on improving employee engagement - recognising that a happier, ...

Automation, Termination or Positive Transformation?

Understanding the future of work to understand the future of HR One of my favourite ...

Strategies Everywhere

"How many consultants does it take to change a lightbulb”? It’s a joke I’m sure ...

Engaging the Gig Economy Workforce

As always, there is a new term that is being banded around by the media ...