Lunch & Learn Webinar: Inclusive Organisations: How inclusion leads to strategic success
Join us at 12.30pm on Tuesday 18th May for a lunch and learn webinar where we will be discussing what you need to think about when considering the need to enhance inclusion within your organisation.
Creating an inclusive environment for all employees has become a key priority for almost all organisations in recent months, so in this session we will be delving into the common myths and challenges that organisations can face and suggest strategies to aid your inclusion journey, no matter where your starting point is.
We’ll explore:
- The barriers to inclusive progress
- “Myths” and microaggressions that can propagate resistance to inclusive change
- The drivers to become a more inclusive organisation
- Practical tips and advice on what you need to consider when setting out on your transformational plan.
Global Leadership & Coaching: Flourishing under intense pressure at work
Every day new articles are being published on the changing face of our workforce. And let’s be honest with economic uncertainty coupled with the rapid technological advances we are seeing, the workplace is undergoing one of its biggest upheavals since the advent of the industrial revolution. The companies that will thrive will be those whose leaders who can flourish under the intense pressure that this ‘revolution’ is bringing forth.
In this webinar we speak to Rachel Ellison, a former BBC broadcaster and now executive leadership coach who shares some unique experiences of people flourishing under some of the most intense pressures from war zones to refugee camps, prisons to hospitals, and elite sport to supermarkets, to draw on below-the-surface thinking which can be used to analyse, interpret and understand a leader’s decisions, motivations and fears.
Improving Workplace Gender Diversity
Increasing diversity and inclusivity makes good business sense and has many advantages; yet creating the right balance in a team or organisation is easier said than done and is not something that can be achieved overnight. Often it requires a change to deeply-routed traditions, a shift in mindset and a change in behaviour and as a result, improving workplace gender diversity continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing organisations.
In this webinar we are joined by Teresa Boughey, a UK Female Entrepreneurship Ambassador who regularly takes part in Women in Enterprise debates at the House of Commons and we discuss excerpts from her book ‘Closing the Gap: 5 steps to creating an Inclusive and Diverse workforce’.
The Future of Feedback
Do you feel that your survey results don’t give you ROI and aren’t worth the money you spend each year? Are you relying on a traditional survey with a 1 to 5 scale? If so, you could be gathering irrelevant information from your people and missing what really matters to them.
Understanding the real experience of your people and asking the best, optimised questions is key to giving you actionable and insightful data to improve engagement and motivation. In this webinar we unpick the area of maximising value from employee feedback.
Employee Experience: How can you foster a positive and collaborative culture in your organisation?
Modern work life is changing rapidly as our habits and practices outside of work are leaking into our cultures inside our businesses. One hot topic in 2018 is creating a self-sustaining culture where your people experience a positive, reinforcing, working environment and innate culture.
In this webinar we discuss what employee experience really is and how you can foster a positive and collaborative culture in your organisation.
What should HR be focusing on in 2018?
With a backdrop of Brexit and the Gig Economy, the workforce is becoming more transient. Skills shortages for key roles and giving the right employee experience to retain your best people continue to be major challenges for HR leaders as we head into 2018.
In this webinar we discuss the key areas that HR leaders will need to focus their efforts on in 2018.