We know that having trust, being authentic and delivering results are the best core values and behaviours that we can offer.
Trusted. Authentic. Results.
These are the three words Tap’d is driven by when we look at bringing our expertise and consulting together with our customers.
As HR professionals who have brought in consultants ourselves into our organisations in the past we know that the actions of the consultants you choose to work with will also reflect on your own identity within your organisation. That is why we know that having trust, being authentic and delivering the results are the best core values and behaviours that we can offer.
Our experience of delivering within roles in organisations combined with our knowledge of the latest thinking within work psychology can deliver real results within your business.
Our consultancy is delivered in two main ways.
Firstly, projects that research business-critical issues within your organisation, designing and delivering new structure and processes, resulting in roll out programmes that deliver transformation or change. These are typically around recruitment and selection, talent processes, career frameworks and reward.
Secondly, we blend our expertise with our technology providers to bring best-in-class tech together with best-in-class consultants.
Tap’d seeks out those who are experts in their field to work on tailored projects for you. Our core team combine with these trusted, hand-picked associates to ensure we have the best expertise for each and every project. Our attentive project management and focused customer service makes our team an extension of your team. What’s more, this scalable approach means that we can support smaller, more focused change projects scaling up to pan-organisation transformation.
Look at our “Case Studies” for an idea of what the team at Tap’d can deliver for your organisation.
Review the “Solutions” pages to see how we blend out expertise with best-in-class technologies.
Most of all, email us at info@tapdsolutions.com to start a conversation with us about your business-critical issues and how we can help. Finally, join our community and come along to our free HR Forums looking at key topics within engagement, the employee experience and inclusion.
Trust. Authenticity. Results. It’s how we work and what we do at Tap’d.