Report - Engaging Hybrid, Virtual and Dispersed Workers and Teams
One of the biggest legacies from the Covid-19 pandemic has been the accelerated change in working practices across almost all industries, job professions and global locations. The term “hybrid working” has become part of our vocabulary, a key Google search term and, in cases, a reason why we have stayed or left our job. Hybrid working is not new, even though some commentators seem to think it is. It was in our midst long before the pandemic hit yet, in most cases, it was ad hoc and informal in our approach to it.
But now in this post-pandemic world, many job roles and functions have been accelerated by pandemic lockdowns into a “hybrid first” working style expectation by current employees and applicants. Attempts to force workers into the office for the majority or all of their time has been often met with resistance and has soured organisation cultures and engagement levels.
Download our latest white paper, ‘Engaging Hybrid, Virtual and Dispersed Workers and Teams’ where we discuss how you can create an engaging performance culture for your hybrid teams.
We explore:
- The role leadership plays in positive engagement.
- The importance of well-being.
- The creation of a healthy hybrid team culture.
- How you can recognise high performers and high performance.
- How you can make the necessary structural changes to your organisation.
To download the paper just complete your details.